Monthly Archives: October 2012

It was a great Sunday


here’s a nice shot of Billy H. on his Neilson Roundo at RC’s on Sunday.

it was tons of fun !!



Here we go !


here she comes.  stop by the shop and pick up your “hurricane supplies”

neilson surf shop is open 7 days a week, for your convenience !

Too much time on your hands


Some wax artwork on a board that was traded in.

something tells me that if you have this much time one your hands, you aren’t catching enough waves.

nice work, though.

help if you can


one thing i hate is a THEIF !

now in stock HONEY MILLER

NOW IN STOCK—new self titled CD “HONEY MILLER”
great local band playing ORIGINAL tunes only $8
stop by and pick one up !

It’s a Family Affair


The Yohn family with the new addition to the family!

can someone make the wind lay down ?

there is only one MAN capable of stopping the wind…….Image

true or false?


Is this your new board?

it’s not ?  why not?

come on down to the shop and put your name on it !